How to access Digha ?
Digha is easily accessible from different parts of Kolkata by Bus. And also from some specific railway stations of West Bengal & Orrissa by Train .
By Bus :-
By Train :-
By Bus :-
Generally bus journey takes only 4 to 5 hours from Kolkata. Onecan find regular bus service to Digha from Bus Terminus an Garia. Frequent buses starts running early morning to evening upto 8pm. Regular night bus service also available from the State transport depot. Bus service to Digha is also available from Tollygunj, Jadavpur, Rajpur, Sonarpur, Dharamtala, Barrackpore, Kudghat Bus Stand, Dumdum station and Bus Stand near Ruby General Hospital. There is also regular & frequent bus service from Howrah , buses starts for Digha almost whole the day at interval of every 30 minutes
By Train :-
At least three regular trains runs between Howrah and Digha. Kandari, Tamralipta & Duronto Express are main trains just taking 3:30 to 2:30 hours to Digha. Train No. 2847 Duronto Express leaves Howrah at 11.15 which runs nonstop to Digha is also great journey of experience. Trains schedule to leave Howrah at 6.40AM, 11.45 AM and 2.15PM daily. There is one weekly train from New Jalpaiguri name PAHARIA Exp. On Saturday. There is also Train between Digha and Puri.
There are only two trains returning from Digha to Howrah on Sunday. One is at noon 1.30PM and another in the evening at 6PM. Another local train leaving Digha at early in the morning goes to Santragachi , is a little troublesome to the tourists whose destination is Howrah.
As Digha is nearest holiday sea resort for Kolkattans, it always better to get reservation for this journey on Saturday, Sunday & on all other holidays to avoid huge rush on those days.
Lists of trains details from Howrah to Digha.
Lists of trains details from Howrah to Digha.
Train No | Train Name | Origin | Dep. Time | Destination | Arr. Time | Days Of Run | Classes | ||||||
M | T | W | T | F | S | S | |||||||
12857 | +TAMRALIPTA EXP | +HOWRAH JN | 6:40 | +DIGHA FLAG STN | 10:00 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | CC, 2S |
15722 | +PAHARIA EXPRESS | +HOWRAH JN | 7:50 | +DIGHA FLAG STN | 12:00 | N | N | N | N | N | Y | N | 1A,3A,SL |
12847 | +HWH DGHA DURONT | +HOWRAH JN | 11:15 | +DIGHA FLAG STN | 14:15 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | 1A, CC, |
18001 | +KANDARI EXPRESS | +HOWRAH JN | 14:15 | +DIGHA FLAG STN | 17:50 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | CC, 2S |
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